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Spellbound 6 with Apricot


Wake N Bake: It's A Shell Game - July 27, 2022

Spellbound begins at 2:37:00

PIDGE: Twenty-one in front of nine. I've got a player on the phone and her name is Apricot. How you doing, Apricot?

APRICOT: I'm great!

Apricot's stats:



Corporate Cubicle Occupant

PIDGE: She's ready to play Spellbound. Now I gotta ask you something, Apricot. You're not gonna look at your phone or your computer, right, when you play the game?

APRICOT: I promise.

PIDGE: Oh, you gotta promise and everybody at home too, OK? Here we go. You are SPELLBOUND.


PIDGE: Now we'll start off. What I want you to do, I'm gonna give you the word, Apricot, and then hold on before you answer. Give everybody at home a chance to play, OK?


PIDGE: OK, the first word is...

1. Vacuum

PIDGE: According to grammarly dot com, vacuum means "a complete lack of matter" or also "a device for sucking up dirt or particles."Apricot, word one. How do you spell vacuum?

Apricot spelled vacuum correctly.

PIDGE: You nailed it. You got it. Absolutely correct. Some people say V-A-C-U-M-E or two C's, V-A-C-C-U-U-M, but just V-A-C-U-U-M. You got it. Now, let's try another one. Don't give me your answer right away. The next word I want you to spell, and everybody at home, is...

2. Restaurant

PIDGE: Did you know the White Horse Tavern, not the one in New York City, I think there's one there. The White Horse Tavern in Newport, Rhode Island is the oldest restaurant in the USA. Goes back to 1673. Apricot, word two. How do you spell restaurant?

Apricot spelled restaurant correctly.

PIDGE: You got it! Yeah!


PIDGE: And I hope some of the mini-Glisteners are playing along at home, too. Now let's get a little bit tougher, Apricot. I want you to enter THE SPELLBINDER'S LAIR.


PIDGE: Oh, that old Spellbinder'll get ya. Now, let's try one. Don't answer right away. The word is...

3. Pastime

PIDGE: Since the early 20th century, baseball has been our national pastime in the USA, and had an active role in shaping the nation, according to the baseball hall of fame dot org. But nowadays, they're saying football might be our national pastime. Apricot, how do you spell pastime?



PIDGE: Ohhhhhhh!!!


PIDGE: Hehe. P-A-S-T-I-M-E.


PIDGE: Pastime. Most people say P-A-S-S-T-I-M-E. Let's try the last one. You're doing so good. Maybe you can get three out of four. That'd be very honorable. The last word, and don't answer right away, is...

4. Drunkenness

PIDGE: According to The Guardian, Australians have been named the heaviest drinkers in the world. They get drunk twenty-seven times a year compared to the global average of fifteen times. Apricot, how do you spell drunkenness?

APRICOT: Let's see. Hmm. Something I used to know a lot about.

PIDGE: Hehehe.

APRICOT: Let's see. D-R-U-N-K-...E-N... ...E-S-S?

PIDGE: Ohhh...


PIDGE: You did it.

APRICOT: I did it?!?

PIDGE: No, you didn't do it! It's D-R-U-N-K-E-N...N-E-S-S. Two N's. But you did good! You got two out of four and I hope you Glisten to the show often. It is so nice to have you call in.

APRICOT: Oh, it was fun playin!

PIDGE: OK. Thank you so much. There she goes! Apricot. Round of applause. And how'd you guys do at home? Let me know how you did on the Accu while we listen to Molly Lewis. That was fun. D'you get em? Did you get em, all four? Some of you did, I bet.

Apricot's final score: 2/4 for a percentage of .500

Total Glistener SPELLBOUND score: 17/24 for a percentage of .7083

So far, 1/6 Glisteners have earned a perfect score.

Glistener winning percentage: .1665


The Spellbound AccuPlaylist gif of the week is an orange clam shell. The shell opens and closes and flips over vertically, then loops and loops and loops.


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