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June 8, 2022 - The Debut of Spellbound!


Updated: Jun 11, 2023

Spellbound with Barney

The Pidge announces Spellbound at 2:34:00

PIDGE: Well, now it's time to play a new game called Spellbound. Capitol Idea! We ran out of capitals. Let's try this new one. You a good speller? That's all you gotta be able to do: just spell a few words. Couple of easy ones, couple maybe not so easy. But we need to play. Call me now on the studio line. Let's play Spellbound. Light 'em up! Come on, adventurous ones. Spell for me! I challenge thee...

I got bupkis so far. Light em up! Light em up!

Spellbound w/ Barney begins at 2:39:00

Barney's stats:

From Soho

40 years old


Works in an electronics factory

BARNEY: I am Spellbound, Clay.

PIDGE: You are indeed Spellbound.

1. Absence

PIDGE: It is said to make the heart grow fonder. It is absence. Spell absence, Barn.

Barney spelled "absence" correctly.

PIDGE: Doing good baby! 1 out of 4.

2. Loser

PIDGE: It is said that some are born losers. Spell loser for me, Barn.

Barney spelled "loser" correctly.

PIDGE: A lot of people want to add that extra "o" for some reason.

Let's enter the Spellbinder's Lair.


3. Privilege

PIDGE: Wicked Spellbinder! He doesn't want you to spell it right. Barn. It's a special right. Immunity granted, you might say. An advantage, you might say, is privilege. Spell privilege for me.


PIDGE: Aww, Barn! No. P-R-I-V-I-L-E-G-E.

BARNEY: Aww, that one gets me.

PIDGE: You know what I love about you? You're not cheating, are you? You're not looking at on a computer or your phone. You're just doing this right out of your brain, aren't you, Barn?

BARNEY: That's right.

PIDGE: I love you, baby. Hey, try this last one just for fun. Let's see if you can get it.

4. Millennium

PIDGE: It comes but once in a thousand years, Barney. Millennium. Spell it for me.


PIDGE: Ohhhh, Barn! There's two N's!!!

BARNEY: Oh, no!

PIDGE: It's tougher than you thought, right? BARNEY: It is.

PIDGE: I had a list of frequently misspelled words and you got two out of four. And you called! No one else did, Barn. I love you! You're getting a round of applause right now. What do you say to those Glisteners out there? BARNEY: Keep strong. Keep your head up. Eyes on the horizon baby.

PIDGE: I love you, man. Call again. There he goes in Soho.

Barney's final score: 2/4


Spellbound AccuPlaylist gif of the week was a Speak & Spell. The human finger in the gif correctly spelled the word RAIN.


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